Study at Playford College
There are many amazing reasons to enrol

- Students are taught about their Islamic faith and traditions.
- Daily prayer is performed in classes or in the prayer hall.
- There are supportive adults in the College who understand the difficulties and challenges for Muslim young people to grow up in an Australian culture.
- Staff members are keen to teach and assess the Australian Curriculum in a positive learning environment.
- Students are cared for and nurtured by good-hearted and dedicated adults.
- There is a strong commitment to the acquisition of English and the College employs many extra staff to support intensive and personalised reading programs such as MiniLit and MacqLit.
- The College has excellent Information technology and computer facilities including a 1:1 laptop program in the Secondary School and laptops and iPads are provided in the Primary classrooms as needed.
- Many sports are introduced through the Sporting Schools program and the College provides opportunities to participate in inter-school sporting competitions such as SAPSASA and other competitions.
- Students learn the Arabic language, which helps them to read and begin to understand the Quran. They are also offered the opportunity to study Farsi as an additional language subject.
- Students have access (via a school crossing) to the large Playford Council ovals and playground across Woodford Road.
- The College has excellent facilities, which are improving all the time. The Board has commissioned a thoughtful Master Plan that includes impressive Secondary School modern facilities and other renovated learning and teaching spaces. The students appreciate our new Covered Outdoor Learning Area and Sports Zone where basketball, volleyball, badminton and other activities are flourishing.
- Students will be able to commence their schooling in the Foundation class as a 5 year old and graduate from Year 12 as a 17 or 18 year old, meaning their whole schooling experience will occur in a school that understands their faith, culture, traditions and family life.
- Playford College is situated near popular facilities and public transport in Elizabeth.
- A safe ‘Kiss and Drop’ area is provided for parents to drop off and pick up their children which is supervised by staff and members of leadership.
- The wider community is very supportive of the College including the local Lutheran Church, the local Lions Club, the Northern Adelaide Senior College, Playford Council and our local members of Parliament.
- The College offers a range of elective subjects to provide a different learning experience that our Secondary students both benefit from and enjoy.
- Student behaviour at the College is well-maintained and continues to improve,
- Our fleet of buses enable over 160 students to access the College from many suburbs of Adelaide.
- The standard of Literacy and Numeracy is significantly improving each year, as shown by our recent NAPLAN results.
- Our first Year 12 class all graduated with their SACE (South Australian Certificate of Education), while the 2022 Dux of the school achieved an ATAR of 96.15 and the proxime accessit achieved an ATAR of 90.75. 28% of the students achieved in ATAR over 90, and 70% of all grades were either in A or B mark. A first result like this gives our families confidence in calibre and dedication of our teachers.
- Students achieved outstanding results in Year 12 in 2023. In our second year with Year 12, the Dux of the College achieved an outstanding ATAR of 98.15 and the Proxima Accessit 96.30. All students gained their SACE (South Australian Certificate of Education) and were successful in their chosen pathways to University, other study or work. Four students gained ATARs above 90 which was impressive for our young school.

Our Identity
The identity of the new College was a sense of a family with an emphasis on “Respect for God, for self, for others and for property”. Students felt safe and they felt like they belonged. Playford College aims to provide a broad, engaging,rigorous and challenging learning program for all students

Our Motto
In choosing the motto of ‘Wisdom through Faith and Knowledge’ and the new uniform, the College’s identity became more focussed. The inaugural Directors of the Board led by Dr Abdul-razak Musa, the wisdom of religious leader Sheikh Idress Ul Hassan and the enthusiasm of foundation Principal, Rainer Mayer, transformed an idea into a reality.

Our Aim
Playford College has a Master Plan for extra learning spaces to cater for the increasing year levels and enrollment growth. Playford College is a good story and the whole community has an optimistic belief that the College will continue to prosper into a double stream Reception to Year 12 College of around 600 students InshaAllah.